A Step-By-Step Guide to Facebook Ads for Beginners

Facebook is a popular advertising platform among a lot of ecommerce entrepreneurs, offering powerful tools to drive targeted paid traffic to your store. In fact, many are able to manage their own Facebook ads to grow their business, once they get the hang of the basics. In this step-by-step guide, Mary-Rose Sutton show you how to get yourself set up with your own Facebook ads and create your first ad campaign.

A Step-By-Step Guide to Facebook Ads for Beginners

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Facebook Ad Hacks for Winning Campaigns

What makes a good Facebook Ads campaign?

It’s not your ad copy, not the ad image, not your ad audience. It’s the combination of nailing all of them.

Here are my all-time favorite 18 Facebook Ads that have brought the highest increase in campaign results time and time again.

What would you add to this list?

  • Write a magnetic ad headline
  • Create an irresistible value offer
  • Present social proof
  • Master the art of FOMO and urgency
  • Use high-quality ad design
  • Create colorful and contrasting ads
  • A/B test lots of different ad images
  • Create carousel ad campaigns
  • Use videos instead of images
  • Always add subtitles to video ads
  • Create attractive landing pages
  • Create a separate landing page for each campaign
  • Keep the ad frequency under control
  • Rotate your ads
  • Emphasize the emotions
  • Keep your ads simple
  • Align your ad design with your branding
  • Spice up your ads with emojis

Read the 18 Genius Facebook Ad Hacks for Winning Campaigns post here

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