Because once you pay to acquire an email address (whether it’s an opt-in or a customer) you can email that person as much as you like without spending a cent more on advertising (so long as they don’t unsubscribe).
You need email marketing to generate maximum ROI from your digital marketing spend…
Without email marketing, you’re leaving a lot of revenue on the table.
Automating email marketing with email sequences takes it to another level because you’re putting email marketing on autopilot.
Email sequences are one of the most powerful but underutilized digital marketing tactics. They’re automated, easy to test, and offer high ROI… In fact, at my agency, we have relied on them for our last 3 product launches that have generated over $200k in sales. Learn how we’ve been able to leverage them so effectively, and how you can do the same with your own campaigns, in our ultimate guide to email sequences.