Blog To Your Success

How to run a profitable blogHow fun would it be to earn money writing about the stuff you like? How awesome would it be to make money sharing your personality online? Make no mistakes about it-blogging can be a fun way to make money. You basically get paid well to explore things you like. The downside is that for every successful blog, there are many others that simply fail. In fact, according to the New York Times, over ninety percent of all blogs ever started eventually to fail. If you don't want to become part of this sorry statistic, follow the tips below. They help you blog successfully.

Pick The Right Niche

If you want to boost your blog's chances of success, you have to be methodical about blogging. You can't just blog randomly or impulsively. You have to be methodical when you start your blog and when operating your blog. A key part of blogging successfully is picking the right niche. The sad truth is that too many bloggers pick the wrong niche. Once they see that they're not making much money with their niche, they lose heart and give up. Don't let this happen to you by being methodical about your blog set up. This, of course, starts with picking the right niche.

How do you pick the right niche? First, you list topics and subject categories you're both excited about and are willing to learn more about. Next, you use Google Adwords' campaign planner to find the keywords related to the topics you like. Once you have the keywords, use the Planner to find the pay per click value of the keywords. Obviously, you should pick keywords that pay enough per click to make blogging worth your time. Eliminate low value topics from your list. Next, use the campaign planner to find the monthly search volume for your remaining topics. Eliminate low volume topics. Finally, enter the keywords through Google's main search box and pay attention to the number of competing pages. Eliminate topics with too much competition. At the end of this process, you'll have a short list of the right niches. These are topics that you are passionate about, have decent commercial value, have low competition, and have a decent search volume. Be prepared to do a lot of research because the best niches are never obvious.

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You must continuously update your blog with high quality and relevant content

Keep updating

Once you have set up your blog based on the right niche, post high quality and relevant content. There are many days where you might not feel like blogging. Anticipate those days by writing blog entries in advance and scheduling them for publication in the future. You must continuously update your blog. Don't give your site visitors an excuse to never come back. Keep them engaged by making sure you have new fresh content waiting for them.

Reach out to other bloggers

If you want your blog to be successful, your blog must be a recognized credible authority in your niche. While you establish this mostly through the quality of your content, you can speed up the process by reaching out to other bloggers in your niche. Comment on their blogs. Contribute quality insights. Mention them in your posts. Network with them so they mention your blog in their posts or include you on their blog rolls. The more relationships you build, the better. Why? By linking to you, these other blogs might not only send you direct traffic but your search engine rankings might go up.

Build a solid social media presence

social media marketing
You should build a solid brand for your blog on popular social media sites with high-quality content in order to encourage people to share.

Don't neglect social media sites like Twitter, Facebook, Youtube, Pinterest and others. Establish a solid brand for your blog on these social media sites and contribute high-quality content. Eventually, people will share your content and your blog can get more traffic. Keep in mind that this doesn't happen overnight. You have to consistently post content to social media sites and engage the members of those sites.

If you are serious about making money with your blog, you have to focus on the fact that while blogging is a lot of fun, it is also a lot of work. If you can't commit to working on your blog continuously, you shouldn't start a blog. Blogging for money is a marathon. It isn't a sprint. Are you up for the challenge?


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