Free Ai competitor keyword research tools that help your website site to rank high in Search Engine

FREE AI SEO Competitor Keyword Research Tools


In the world of Search Engine Optimization (SEO), keyword research plays a crucial role in achieving higher rankings and driving organic traffic to your website. However, conducting effective keyword research can be time-consuming and expensive if you rely solely on paid tools. The good news is that there are plenty of free competitor AI keyword research tools that can help you uncover valuable insights without breaking the bank. In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore some of the best ways to conduct free AI competitor keyword research and uncover low competition SEO keywords.

Start with Google

Google is often the first place to start when it comes to keyword research. By identifying relevant websites that are competing with you on the search engine result pages (SERPs), you can gain valuable insights into the keywords they are targeting. Here's how you can leverage Google for competitor keyword research:

  1. Identify Niche-Relevant Competitors: Find websites that are in the same niche as yours and are competing for similar keywords.
  2. Scrape Competitor Keywords: Create a Google Sheet and input the domains of your competitors. Use the “site:” operator followed by the competitor's website domain to find relevant topics and keywords they are ranking for.
  3. Explore Competitor Sitemaps: Use a free AI tool like Harp AI to extract relevant keywords from your competitor's website. By analyzing their post sitemap, you can scrape keywords efficiently and automate the process.

Utilize Ubersuggest

Ubersuggest is another powerful free keyword research tool that can provide valuable insights into your competitors' keywords and top-performing pages. Here's how you can use Ubersuggest for competitor keyword research:

  1. Enter Competitor's Domain: Visit Ubersuggest and input your competitor's domain. Perform a search to access data on their top SEO pages and the keywords they are ranking for.
  2. Analyze Top Pages: Identify your competitor's top-performing pages that are driving the most traffic. This information will help you understand which keywords to prioritize.
  3. Explore SEO Keywords: Scroll down to find a list of SEO keywords associated with your competitor's website. This data includes volume, position, estimated traffic, and can help you prioritize your keyword targeting.

Leverage Google Keyword Planner

Google Keyword Planner is primarily used for Google Ads, but it can also be a valuable tool for SEO keyword research. Here's how you can utilize Google Keyword Planner for competitor keyword research:

  1. Start with a Competitor's Website: Access Google Keyword Planner and choose the “Start with a website” option. Enter your competitor's website URL and select the appropriate country or region.
  2. Generate Keyword Ideas: Google Keyword Planner will provide you with hundreds of keyword ideas based on your competitor's website. These keywords can serve as a starting point for your own keyword targeting.
  3. Prioritize Keywords: To refine and prioritize the keyword ideas, use a free AI tool like Harper AI. This tool can filter and identify the best keywords to target based on search volume, relevance, competition, and other criteria.

Explore Other Free Keyword Research Tools

In addition to the aforementioned tools, there are other free keyword research tools that you can leverage for competitor analysis. Here are a few examples:

  1. Bard: Visit and provide a prompt related to your niche. This tool will generate keywords based on competition, search volumes, and create a priority score to help you identify the best keywords to target for SEO.
  2. WordStream: Access and enter your competitor's URL. This tool will generate keyword ideas with monthly search volume and competition metrics. You can download the keyword list for further analysis.

Manual Analysis and Considerations

While free AI competitor keyword research tools can provide valuable insights, it is essential to manually assess the keywords and competition to ensure their relevance and feasibility. Here are a few things to consider:

  1. Evaluate Competition: Remember that competition scores provided by free tools are often based on advertising competition rather than SEO competition. Conduct manual research to assess if you can realistically rank for a particular keyword.
  2. Content and Backlink Analysis: Analyze your competitor's content and backlink profile to determine if you can create better content or build relevant backlinks to outrank them.
  3. Prioritize and Refine: Filter and prioritize the generated keyword ideas based on relevance, search volume, and competition. Regularly review and update your keyword targeting strategy to stay ahead of the competition.

By combining the insights gained from free AI competitor keyword research tools with manual analysis, you can uncover valuable keywords, improve your search rankings, and drive more organic traffic to your website.

Remember, the tools mentioned in this guide are free to use, and although they may not provide the same level of accuracy as paid tools, they can still provide substantial value in your SEO efforts.

If you want to delve deeper into AI competitor keyword research, you can access my free course, which includes additional prompts, tools, and scripts. The course is designed to help you optimize your keyword targeting strategy and achieve better rankings and traffic. Simply follow the link in the comments to gain free instant access.

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