If you want to make money online, you need to figure out how to generate traffic. If you don't know how to drive traffic, kiss your dreams of making money off the Internet good-bye. Seriously. Traffic is the currency of the Internet. If you don't get traffic, you don't make money. It really doesn't get any simpler than that. Moreover, the more traffic you get, the better your chances of making money online. This is why it is crucial for you to learn how to increase whatever website traffic you're already getting. The good news is that as long as your website is already getting traffic, you can use certain techniques to boost your current traffic levels. The processes below give you enough information to optimize your current traffic flow.
Pay attention to your traffic statistics: organic search queries

Once you build your site, you must install a statistics tracking system. These are free and can be installed easily. Common statistics programs include Google Analytics, StatCounter, Extremedm, and others. Regardless of which counter you pick, you must install it. Once your site has been in operation for quite some time, open your statistics tracking system. Take a look at search queries.
Your organic search queries are the keywords your site visitors used on search engines to find your website. While Google has encrypted these, you should still get search queries from Yahoo and Bing. Pay attention to these search queries. Track them and figure out which are the most common.
Once you have identified the top search queries being; used to find you, you should filter these queries using Google Adwords Planner. See if these queries have enough monthly search volumes to be worth pursuing. Also, pay attention to these words' cost per click value. Finally, see if these keywords have little competition. Once you have identified organic search queries that don't have much competition, have decent search volumes, and have commercial value, post more content or fix your site description to cater to target top search queries. Keep doing this to boost your overall traffic volume.
Pay attention to your traffic statistics: most popular pages
Another key statistic you should pay attention to is your page popularity. Identify which pages on your current site are the most popular. Figure out the search terms being used to find them. Optimize your pages based on those terms. More importantly, create different versions of your most popular pages and link to them from your existing pages. Keep track of overall traffic volume. See if you get more traffic overall. If you see a positive change, keep making more pages based on your most successful pages.
Get social
After you have figured out your most popular pages, create social media accounts with your site's logo or brand. Find and engage people who are active in your niche. Join groups, communities, and other areas at social network sites where people who are interested in your niche hang out. Gain influential members' trust and slowly feed them links to your most popular pages. Get feedback and improve your pages. Eventually, influential people will start sharing your content. The key is to gain their trust by sending them quality content and not spamming them.
You can breathe lots of life into your site's traffic volume. All you need to do is look at the signals your website is already trying to send you. Use the tips above to build on your site's current strengths and fix its weaknesses.