3 Simple SEO Tips to Boost Your Site to the Top of Google

SEO Tips to Boost Your Site to the Top of GoogleAre you not ranking at the top of the search results for your most sought after keywords and search phrases? Don’t worry… you aren’t alone. In fact, hundred of millions of sites will never even rank on the first for some of their best keywords.

To help with this process, Zac have laid out three simple and completely actionable SEO tips that you can implement today. If you take the time to implement these methods into your site, you will see a great boost in your search rankings.

Read 3 Simple SEO Tips to Boost Your Site to the Top of Google here

50 Video Marketing Stats to Help You Create a Winning Social Media Strategy in 2017

In our end of 2016 social media survey, 83 percent of marketers said they’d like to create more video content if they didn’t have restraints such as time and resources. We also found that 30 percent of marketers are looking to spend more time focused on Facebook video in 2017.

To help you make the fullest use of video marketing on social media and create a successful social media strategy for 2017, we’ve pulled together 50 of the most relevant video marketing statistics for social media marketers.

Did you know, for example, that Facebook video receives, on average, 135 percent more organic reach than a Facebook photo? Or that 73 percent of B2B marketers say that video positively impacts marketing ROI?

Check out more fascinating video statistics covering topics like marketing trends, user behavior, engagement, and much more below!

How to Automate Your Social Media Marketing

I get it, you’re busy.

Social media marketing is important and you need to continue to grow your firm if you want to continue to grow your revenue.

The real strength in social media is interacting with your customers, but you should also be posting out regularly. You can’t automate human interaction (that wouldn’t make it human anymore), but we can automate your social media marketing. That’s what we’re going to do in this blog post.

This tutorial includes step by step instructions with pictures.

Read the tutorial in automating your social media marketing here

10 Strategic Tips from Top Experts to Increase Social Media ROI

Social media is one of the most crucial segments of your brand’s total outreach strategy. Posting daily updates on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc., is now almost rudimentary. In order to truly stand out and grab your target audience’s attention, your business needs to post intelligently and start thinking outside the box. How do you this?[


To be the best, you have to learn from the best. Follow industry leading experts and watch as your social numbers go through the roof.

Here are 10 Great Tips from Top Experts from Industry

Facebook Ads for eCommerce

Learn how to leverage FACEBOOK for ecommerce with proper use of the Facebook Pixel. See how to get higher ROI and know exactly ad spend per add to cart + initiate checkout + purchase and any other pixel event you want to set. Take actions per add to carts + purchases per adset and ad. From there, optimize text + creative and ad types to determine how to get the most out of every single dollar spent![

Facebook Ad Hacks for Winning Campaigns

What makes a good Facebook Ads campaign?

It’s not your ad copy, not the ad image, not your ad audience. It’s the combination of nailing all of them.

Here are my all-time favorite 18 Facebook Ads that have brought the highest increase in campaign results time and time again.

What would you add to this list?

  • Write a magnetic ad headline
  • Create an irresistible value offer
  • Present social proof
  • Master the art of FOMO and urgency
  • Use high-quality ad design
  • Create colorful and contrasting ads
  • A/B test lots of different ad images
  • Create carousel ad campaigns
  • Use videos instead of images
  • Always add subtitles to video ads
  • Create attractive landing pages
  • Create a separate landing page for each campaign
  • Keep the ad frequency under control
  • Rotate your ads
  • Emphasize the emotions
  • Keep your ads simple
  • Align your ad design with your branding
  • Spice up your ads with emojis

Read the 18 Genius Facebook Ad Hacks for Winning Campaigns post here

5 Steps to Boost Your Traffic & Rankings with CTR Optimization

If you asked me to name a single most effective SEO hack, I’d say… Click-through rate optimization. Why?

First, a good CTR leads to higher rankings. It’s not just my experience: Google’s said it, and real-life experiments have proved it. The logic is simple: if lots of people click on the same result, it sends a strong message to Google: “this is the result that people love.”

Second, more clicks mean more traffic. Even for a #1 Google result, the CTR can range all the way from 5% to 90% – and it’s up to you to determine which it will be.

In today’s article on optimizing your search result for clicks, I’m sharing my top 5 tips that will help you boost your SERP CTR – and grow traffic and rankings with this single quick tactic.

Jump to the post to learn how to give your site and SEO boost with CTR optimization – and please let me know what you think in the comments!

How To Launch Your Ecommerce Business

Things are getting exciting. You’ve carefully evaluated your product idea and finally found a product to sell online. After searching high and low you’ve found your supplier, ordered samples, and discovered that they’re better than you could have expected. Finally, you’ve placed an order for your initial inventory and are just waiting for it to come in. What now?

Well, you’ve still got a lot of work to do because you’re in the pre-launch phase. It’s a critical time for every online store as it will set the tone for your business going forward. Welcome to the grind.

Launching your business without being prepared can be a recipe for disaster, that’s why we’ve put together this 10-point launch countdown to prepare your business for its launch to the world.

10. Prepare Your Social Networks

9. Get Your Email Marketing Ready

8. Launch Your Landing Page

7. Install Google Analytics

6. Do Your Keyword Research

5. Build Your Online Store

4. Decide On Your KPI’s

3. Know Your Shipping Strategy

2. Finalize Your Launch Promotion And Strategy

1. Launch

Click here to read the full post


5 Growth Hacking Tips to Grow Your Business in 2017

For small and midsized businesses, growth is always the goal. Maybe 2017 is the year you finally plan to take your industry by storm. When many business owners start planning for growth, they think: we need a marketing department.

But nontraditional companies like Facebook have actually forgone a marketing department in favor of a growth department. Growth hacking has helped startups achieve massive growth — and established brands and the bootstrapped alike can learn from their successes.

That’s why we interviewed the growth hacker marketing expert himself on this week’s episode of the Marketing Cloudcast — the marketing podcast from Salesforce. Ryan Holiday (@ryanholiday) apprenticed under Robert Greene, author of The 48 Laws of Power, and served as director of marketing for American Apparel. He’s founder of Brass Check and has advised clients like Google, TASER, and Complex.

Types of Social Media Content You Need to Use

Have you ever wondered what type of content you should share on social media?

Or where to find content that encourages your audience to like, share, click, and engage?

Like it or not: social media is here to stay.

Without a strong (and diverse) content strategy in place…

You risk falling behind.

Because here’s the reality:

If you don’t serve up what your audience is looking for, your competition will.

Here are 9 awesome types of content you can start using today on social media!

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