Video Vs Email Marketing - Which Is More Effective?

Video Vs Email Marketing – Which Is More Effective?

Email is the most intimate form of digital marketing, but the video is quickly becoming a competitor. Marketers are wondering which one is better for their business. And also, the importance of online marketing for small businesses is getting higher because of email and video marketing.

Email marketing takes a lot of time to plan out and administer, not to mention the research on your target audience, their preferences, and how to market your products/services so that they see their value. On the other hand, video marketing only requires planning and creativity– minimal compared to email marketing. With the new software, online video tools, and the increasing popularity of smartphones, it is more than ever to create a high-quality video on your own.

Not to mention that people are growing more comfortable with watching videos over time than reading articles or blog posts.

The difference between email marketing and video marketing can be seen here:

Video Marketing Pros :

  • Video marketing is different from traditional email marketing because it does not use someone else's platform, like the internet. Video Marketing uses one's laptop or smartphone to create videos using video recording software. So there are no additional fees for having a video made.
  • On top of all this, video marketing offers many different possibilities other than just commercials. For example, you could create a tutorial to show how to use your product or service. Or the option of interviewing with someone in the company, CEO, or head of the department so that people can get to know and understand your business better.

Video Marketing Cons:

  • The only con when it comes to video marketing is that it takes a lot of creativity. You want your videos to be engaging, interesting, and most importantly, not boring or annoying.
  • You have to find the right tone for the type of people intended to receive the video message. Finding this tone can take some time, so you may not see immediate results right off the bat.
  • There are many methods to do something, but not all of them will succeed. So don't be discouraged if you have multiple video marketing attempts without seeing the results you want to see. Just know that with time, your videos will improve, and so your sales.

Text Marketing Pros :

With text marketing, there are no additional fees for having your marketing done.

  • All you need is an email list of people who are interested in the content you are sending. You can make this list by creating a form on your website or using social media websites to collect contact information.
  • Text marketing is also helpful with bypassing spam filters. This is because it is a more “traditional” type of marketing – people have been receiving emails for over 20 years now.

Text Marketing Cons:

  • The downside to text marketing is that it doesn't use someone else's platform, like the internet. You have to find your audience by building one from the ground up. This takes time and effort, and there is no guarantee that the people on your email list will see your messages.
  • You also have to find a different way to convert website visitors into people interested in receiving emails from you. Otherwise, it can get expensive with all the money spent on advertisements.
  • With text marketing, it's best to use strategies like double opt-in lists where the person must confirm their subscription to your checklist before receiving messages from you. This decreases the likelihood of spam subscriptions. But, make sure that your website is set up with a way for people who want to subscribe to do so quickly.


Video marketing takes less time than text marketing, and with video, you're using your device for recording.

But with text marketing, you have no additional costs, and it is more likely to get past spam filters. You can also start creating an email list faster than a video audience due to the familiarity of emails and the convenience of sign-up forms (especially on social media websites).

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q: Who is more likely to see my video marketing work – male or female?

A: It doesn't matter. Both men and women will be interested in the content you put out as long as they can relate to it and find value in it.

Q: What is the best time to send an email?

A: It's best to send your emails during “off-peak” times. This is because they have likely forgotten about you and are less interested in receiving messages from you.

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