Marketing Weekly Roundup for 25 February 2022

Goodday, everyone! As always, we have a brand new Marketing Weekly Roundup up and ready. As always, here is an overview of what went on this week in the digital marketing world, so make sure to check out these latest marketing insights, SEO tips, tactics, social media news. and stories.

Here's your weekly roundup for this week:

1. How You Can Make Passive Income in 2022
Passive income is often described as “making money while you sleep,” but there's more to it than that. If you have enough money, you can buy assets like an Airbnb rental property, crypto, and stocks that make money on autopilot. But creating assets yourself “only” requires your time and effort as investment, so you can reap the rewards later. Here's a guide to passive income for beginners. This guide shows you what’s involved in creating a passive income product in the creator economy.

2. 8 Key eCommerce Conversion Rate Benchmarks
The number one metric for any business should be its conversion rate. Conversion rates indicate how effectively your marketing strategy attracts visitors and converts them into customers. To help you get started on improving your conversion rates, we've laid out some of the most critical benchmarks in this blog post.
    1.  eCommerce Conversion Rate
    2.  Mobile eCommerce Conversion Rate
    3.  Social Media eCommerce Conversion Rate
    4.  Cart Abandonment Conversion Rate
    5.  Checkout Process Time
    6.  B2B eCommerce Conversion Rate
    7.  Average eCommerce Order
    8.  Conversion Rate for Paid Search

3. How the Ecommerce Theme You Choose Helps to Deliver the Best Brand Experience
Increasing competition has made it crucial for eCommerce businesses to deliver the best brand experience for improved customer retention and brand loyalty. The choice of a website's eCommerce theme plays a vital role in preparing an UX-friendly digital destination that helps acquire more customers.   

4. How to Turn Your Instagram Account into an Organic Sales Funnel
Instagram can be turned into a brand-owned traffic and sales generation asset which will allow you to diversify your marketing channels without constantly relying on third-party collaboration. Here’s how it can be used to help you increase your reach even without paying for ads.
    1. Set up your bio
    2. Set up your landing page
    3. Always link your stories

5. How Do You Pick the Best Theme For Your Online Store? Take Our Quiz
Your website design and layout could win—or lose—a customer for life. That’s why it’s an important step in launching a new brand or rebranding an existing one. Most brands start with a website template (or website theme) and tweak it to suit the brand's needs. Here, we give you the tools to pick a template that provides the features you need to run your business.

6. The Secrets to Finding Drop Points Faster
When it comes to customer acquisition and loyalty, time is of the essence. The difference between keeping or losing clients lies in the drop points. These are the moments in time that will define your business relationships. Every opportunity to make a connection could also be a lost opportunity if not dealt with properly. Discover how to identify drop points in your own sales and customer journey, and how to minimize or eliminate them along the way.
    1.  Look for Patterns
    2.  Spy on Your Customers
    3.  Monitor Your Funnels Closely

7. Reduce Cart Abandonment of your eCommerce
In today’s online shopping environment, car abandonment is the worst nightmare of every eCommerce business. Statistics claim that almost 69% of customers go through cart abandonment at some point in their customer journey. Here are a few suggestions that will come in handy to reduce cart abandonment.

8. How to Get More Checkout Page Conversions (5 Must-See Strategies)
The average cart abandonment rate is a whopping 68%.  There are plenty of ways to turn more casual, first-time visitors into loyal customers. Here are some strategies you can use to skyrocket conversions and get more value from your checkout page.
    1. Work on Your Checkout Flow
    2. Optimize for Smartphone Shoppers
    3. Advertise Time-Sensitive Offers
    4. Highlight Reviews and Recommendations
    5. Make it Easy for Users to Ask for Help

9. B2B Marketing Funnel: What Is It and How to Create One?
The idea of a marketing funnel isn't new. It was developed by St Elmo Lewis, a prominent advertising pioneer, about 130 years ago. Today's B2B marketing funnel stages are based on the same theory. How can you craft one and ensure your company's effective sales performance? Follow this blog and learn the basics of marketing funnels.

10. 9 Call to Action Best Practices to Improve Your Marketing Strategy
Are you looking for ways to convince more people to do business with you? Want your website and email calls to action to lead more people down your conversion path? The team from Red Website Design shares nine call to action best practices in this infographic.
    1. Keep Your CTAs Brief
    2. Create Urgency
    3. Try Reverse Psychology
    4. Personalize Your CTAs
    5. Use Responsive Design
    6. Utilize Contrasting Colors and White Space
    7. Make Your CTAs Into a Button
    8. Double-check Your Landing Pages
    9. Test and Refine

11. SEO vs. PPC: When to Optimize and When to Pay for Traffic
Many business owners struggle to acquire customers in the beginning. Most of the time, the solution to this problem is one of two marketing strategies: search engine optimization (SEO) or pay-per-click (PPC) campaigns. Let's explored what you can expect to achieve from each of these acquisition strategies.

12. Facebook Marketing Trends for 2022
According to, most communicators still rely heavily on Facebook for marketing purposes, mainly thanks to its effectiveness in driving traffic towards a business’s website. Here are the five major Facebook marketing trends businesses should incorporate in their Facebook strategies if they want to increase their Facebook engagement and success in 2022.
    1. Albums bring higher engagement on Facebook
    2. Video content has the highest Facebook click-through-rate
    3. Live videos are on the rise
    4. Facebook ads budgets are expected to double in 2022, as it happened in 2021
    5. Facebook video feed: the lowest cost per click

13. SEO Tools from Google and Bing
Knowing how search engine crawlers interact with your site is crucial for organic rankings. The activity of crawlers reveals discovered web pages, followable links, accessible code, and more. Google Search Console and Bing Webmaster Tools are essential tools for search engine optimization. They are free and connect to your site easily.

14. Digitize Your Business With These 14 Smart Strategies
The business world is moving toward a digital-first environment, but some businesses have yet to “get online”. Some stores, restaurants and service businesses rely on word-of-mouth alone to keep afloat. For entrepreneurs interested in setting up an online presence for the first time, these 14 members of Forbes Business Council share their best recommendations.
    1. Ensure Your E-Commerce Platform Can Convert Sales
    2. Create A Website For Clients To Interact With Your Brand
    3. Invest In SEO
    4. Create A Lead-Funneling Process
    5. Focus On Most Important Channels
    6. Prioritize Repeat Customers
    7. Create Digital Content Marketing Campaigns
    8. Create A Brand Experience
    9. Focus On Your Google Ranking
    10. Hire A Usability Expert
    11. Focus On Web Design
    12. Create A Great LinkedIn Profile
    13. Utilize Social Media
    14. Be Data-Driven

15. How To Produce Actionable Content Throughout The Marketing Funnel
Too many brands neglect their marketing funnels and miss sales opportunities. At SMX Next, Andrea Cruz shows how marketers can improve their funnels with actionable content.

16. Top 14 Free Tools for Competitor Website Analysis [Infographic]
Competitor analysis is an important part of any marketing strategy, not just for when you're starting out, but also as your business evolves. PageTraffic has compiled a list of 14 free or freemium tools which can each provide a range of valuable insights for your planning. These tools will help you analyze, track and learn from your competitors' strategies in order to keep up with the ever-changing digital landscape.
    1.  Talkwalker
    2.  BuiltWith
    3.  W3bin
    4.  BrandMentions
    5.  Buzzsumo
    6.  AIOSEO
    7.  Mention
    8.  Open Site Explorer
    9.  SimilarWeb
    10. Siteliner
    11. Rank Signals
    12. SERanking
    13. WebCEO
    14. SerpStat

17. How To Develop A Thoughtful, Impactful Content Strategy
What is your content strategy for the people you want to reach and how do you communicate with them? Your brand has many touchpoints, including digital, product, and service experiences. You'll want to make sure any visual content has a distinct call to action so your customer knows what they need to do next. Test and learn to find the platforms and approaches that are right for your customer.

18. 7 Content Marketing Best Practices to Keep Your Readers Engaged
As consumers shift their attention and spending online, a content marketing strategy is no longer an option – it's a requirement. By delivering valuable content that resonates with your target audience, you can improve your reputation online and turn more visitors into customers. Follow these content marketing best practices to establish your company as a thought leader and drive measurable results.
        1. Identify your target audience
        2. Use different content formats
        3. Map your content to the customer journey
        4. Optimize your content for SEO
        5. Write more inclusive content
        6. Identify the most relevant channels
        7. Update and refresh outdated content

19. What Is Brand Perception? How to Measure It and 4 Examples
Brand perception is the thoughts and feelings associated with a company. 77% of B2C consumers make purchasing decisions based solely on the brand name. Once consumers adopt an attitude about a brand, it's tough to change. Brands work hard to create positive associations in people's minds, rather than negative or neutral perceptions. But before diving into the metrics, it’s important to understand what creates brand perception and how it informs company and consumer decision-making.

20. 9 Web Design Trends in 2022
The team from Red Website Design share nine web design trends to inspire you in this infographic. From Memphis design to Neo-brutalism, they take a look at the latest trends taking the web design industry by storm. Here's a quick summary of the top trends as well as how you can use them in your own web design projects.
        1. Memphis design
        2. Typographic hero image
        3. Retro revolution
        4. Visible borders
        5. Engaging interactives
        6. Neo-brutalism
        7. Moving type
        8. Creative scrolling experiences
        9. Handmade graphics

That’s it, folks. I hope you liked this week's Marketing Roundup. Until the next one, have a wonderful weekend!


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