Marketing Weekly Roundup for 25 March 2022

Marketing Weekly Roundup features with marketing insights, email marketing tips, social media marketing, SEO tips , news, and actionable advice from around the world.

Goodday, everyone! As always, we have a brand new Marketing Weekly Roundup up and ready. So make yourself comfortable and let’s recap this week in marketing insights, SEO tips, email marketing, tactics, social media news, etc.

Here is your handpicked marketing roundup for this week:

1. TikTok Media Buying Strategies For 2022
With 800 million monthly active users, TikTok has a user base more than twice the size of Twitter and almost double that of Reddit. It's going to be more important than ever to have an effective TikTok advertising strategy in 2022. Let’s walk through everything you need to know about media buying for TikTok including audiences, ad placements, and bidding and budgeting options in 2022.

2. Email Writing Hacks: 6 Writing Tips for Any Kind of Email
You don't have to be a natural storyteller to write amazing emails that your subscribers can't wait to read. Here are 6 email tips that will make your job writing amazing emails much easier. Once you understand just a few of these email hacking tips, you'll write with more confidence, write faster – and get your emails read and acted upon more often.
    1. Get to the point
    2. Write for scanners
    3. Tell them what you want them to do
    4. Embrace the ugly first draft
    5. Review, rewrite, proofread
    6. Stick with what works

3. How Chatbots Help in Improving your Brand Experience?
In today's competitive market, businesses must ensure that their brand creates a unique experience for customers. Chatbots allow customers to engage with your brand on the internet and get information and suggestion on products or services without getting bogged down with repetitive tasks. This means that customers get information faster, translating into more sales and better relationships with your company overall.

4. Shareable Social Media Content [Infographic]
Social media can be one of your most powerful marketing channels. One creative social media post can skyrocket brand awareness. Social shares can increase engagement on your social media accounts, entice new followers, and potentially boost your web traffic. Check out these 9 tips to ensure you're creating social media marketing content that's shareable.
        1.  Make sure it’s useful for your followers
        2.  All social media platforms love visuals
        3.  Add social share buttons to your blog
        4.  Always be original (even when curating!)
        5.  Create a mix of evergreen and trending social media content
        6.  Write captivating share texts
        7.  Infographics – the most shareable types of social media content
        8.  Evoke emotions with storytelling
        9.  Keep all social media content relevant to your niche   

5. SERP Features Glossary
The Search Landscape is constantly changing for SEO due to SERP Features. With this glossary, you will be able to keep up with all the new and old elements of search results. We have mapped out all the different types of SERP features, including how this impacts your results, and what you need to do to compete.

6. 13 Ways to Build Your Email List For Free
Email marketing has an ROI of over $36 for each $1 spent on email marketing. A good quality email list is important for any business owner. It allows you the ability to communicate the right message to your community, at the right time. So growing your list should be one of your top priorities for long-term success. Here are 13 ways to build an email list  – for free!
        1.  Integrate email sign-up forms on a social landing page
        2.  Personalize your CTAs
        3.  Capture email after an online sale
        4.  Use a live chat tool to gather emails
        5.  Pop-up survey or quiz
        6.  Offer discount codes to those who sign up
        7.  Use social media captions
        8.  Host giveaways and contests
        9.  Host free webinars
        10. Reach broader audiences through guest posting
        11. Repurpose your content
        12. Build your email list off-line
        13. Add sign-up forms and optimize the process     

7. Affiliate Marketing Without Social Media: 3 Top Ways to Do It!
There are many ways to make money with affiliate marketing. Organically posting on social media is just one of them! Social media for affiliate marketing has many pros, but it can also have a few cons that would steer a marketer away from social as their primary marketing channel.

8. Best Landing Page Builder 2022
Directing your leads to your main website every time you manage to grab their attention in an ad will only overwhelm them. If you don't want to lose your potential customer's attention, you need a page that specifically talks about your product or goal. That’s where landing pages step in. Here is the top landing page builders review.
        1.  Mailchimp: Best free landing page builder
        2.  Sendinblue: Easiest landing page builder
        3.  Pardot: Best landing page builder for WordPress
        4.  Leadpages: Best landing page builder software
        5.  Landigni: Fastest landing page builder
        6.  HubSpot: Best landing page builder for affiliate marketing
        7.  Get Response: Best landing page builder for flexible pricing
        8.  Unbounce: Best Shopify landing page builder
        9.  Swipe Pages: Best website landing page builder for seamless integration
        10. Wix: Best for website & landing page creation

9. How To Run A Successful Text Marketing Campaign
If you want to market in real-time, the best solution is to send a text message and take advantage of text marketing. Text message marketing or short message service (SMS) marketing is a kind of digital marketing strategy that helps you improve your brand awareness on a more personal level. To get started, here are the ways to run a successful text marketing campaign:

10. How To Get Quick Demand-Generation Wins For Post-Pandemic Survival
SMBs are struggling to balance the needs of a long-term digital strategy with the pressure to address immediate sales funnel demands. Traditional sales and marketing tactics have crumbled as buyers change their behaviors to more independent and digital-first habits. By leveraging preexisting business assets and technology, SMBs can position themselves for quick demand generation success.
    1.  Optimize Website Performance
    2.  Create A Curated Content Experience
    3.  Look To Existing Customers
    4.  Take Action Today

11. The Key to Creating Exit Messaging That Gets Results
Many of your biggest drop points happen before you even know your customer's name. For the majority of businesses, having a 50%+ drop rate on key pages isn't uncommon. Here are some tips and tricks to help tighten up your exit messaging to help increase the number of conversions on your website.

12. 7 Golden Rules Of Social Media Marketing
There's no doubt in anyone's mind that social media is here to stay. You can grow communities and develop new audiences with help from social networking sites or even generate sales through the use of microblogs or chat apps. The following Golden Rules of Successful Social Media Usage will show you how to get the best out of these sites by implementing them effectively.
    1. Do your homework
    2. Keep it relevant
    3. Engage with your community
    4. Be consistent
    5. Use hashtags (#)
    6. Engage with your followers
    7. Use the right tools

13. What is Social Commerce? Tips, Tools, and Trends for 2022
For ecommerce businesses, there are few resources more valuable than social media. More than half of the world's population uses social media, with a majority of us logging in at least once a day. Social commerce tools allow businesses and creators to sell on sales channels located directly on social media sites. Here are a few best practices that you can look into for making the most out of selling through social commerce platforms.

14. Best Ecommerce Platform : Start your online eCommerce platform today 2022
By the year 2023, eCommerce will account for over $6 trillion in annual sales. If you want to get in on the action, it's essential to choose the right ecommerce platform for your business. Here is a compiled list of the best eCommerce platforms to help you make the right decision.
        1.   Shopify: The best overall e-commerce platform for all kinds of business
        2.   Wix: Best eCommerce platform with AI website builder
        3.   Big Commerce: Perfect for multichannel selling
        4.   Adobe Commerce : Best e-commerce platform for large enterprises
        5.   Volusion : Best platform that offers outstanding insights and analytics
        6.   Woo Commerce : The eCommerce platform with maximum WordPress flexibility
        7.   Squarespace: Best e-commerce platform for beginners
        8.   Weebly: Best free eCommerce platform
        9.   Ecwid: Perfect eCommerce plugin platform
        10. Quick eSelling : Best e-commerce site with interactive pricing model

15. What Is B2B Marketing? Strategies, Examples, And Ideas
Marketing to businesses requires special strategies and tools. Discover the ins and outs of B2B marketing, including what it is and how to implement it. You'll also learn the different types of B2B marketing and see examples of campaigns in the wild. 

16. The Startup Marketing Challenge: Why Full-Funnel Marketing Can Be Counterintuitive But Necessary
A marketing funnel is a useful tool for marketers to strategize how to reach and move customers through different stages of their consumer journey. Many startups still fall into the trap of focusing their time and effort solely on the bottom of the marketing funnel rather than spreading their efforts across the full funnel. Startups face a unique set of challenges that make lower-funnel marketing activities seem disproportionally attractive.
    1. A Tight Budget And The Need For A Quick Payoff
    2. Lead Source Tracking Bias
    3. Efficiency Fallacy

17. What Are Meta Descriptions and How Can I Write Effective Ones?
This guide covers how to write compelling meta descriptions and optimize your site for search. It will help you improve your product descriptions, images and other elements of effective search engine optimization (SEO).

18. Anatomy of a Creator: The 7 Main Archetypes of Digital Creators
Digital creators are creative self-starters winning over audiences and monetizing their crafts online. An estimated 50 million people make up the creator economy today. Knowing where and how to reach the right audiences with the right content is crucial. Here, we examine seven main creator archetypes, breaking down who they are, what makes them unique, and the best content ideas and channels for each. l
    1. The Performer
    2. The Virtuoso
    3. The Bellwether
    4. The Maker
    5. The Iconoclast
    6. The Technophile
    7. The Enthusiast

19. 5 Best Digital Marketing Campaigns of All Time
We've put together a roundup of some notable digital marketing campaigns that have hit the web (and even the real world) over the past few years. Seeing what other brands have done can stir your creative juices and enable you to come up with imaginative ideas for your own campaigns.

20. The 5-Step Marketing Strategy to Grow Your Business
As you develop your marketing strategy, you might feel lost in a sea of best practices. This guide simplifies this huge topic into a digestible guide full of insights from top marketing experts.
    Step 1: Build a stellar website
    Step 2: Define your product-market fit
    Step 3: Consider your audience
    Step 4: Acquire new customers with an antifragile mindset
    Step 5: Boost retention

Have a great weekend and don’t forget to check back next week for more great picks!


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