Marketing Weekly Roundup for 25 November 2022

Welcome to the latest Weekly Roundup! So make yourself comfortable and let’s recap this week in marketing insights, SEO tips, email marketing tactics, social media marketing strategies, etc.

1. How to Find Niche Keywords for SEO in 3 Steps
Niche keywords represent topics that appeal to relatively small, often specialized parts of a given market. This can be an opportunity to attract highly targeted traffic in a short time. Discover how to find niche keywords with Ahrefs in three steps. 
1. Create an initial keyword list
2. Refine your list
3. Analyze the SERPs

2. 10 Steps To Boost Your Site’s Crawlability And Indexability
Crawling and indexing is a two-step process of navigating and understanding your site. Crawlability refers to how well these search engine bots can scan and index your web pages. Indexability measures the search engine's ability to analyze your page and add them to its index. Let’s look at some elements of your website that affect crawling and indexing – and how to optimize your site for them. 
1.  Improve Page Loading Speed
2.  Strengthen Internal Link Structure
3.  Submit Your Sitemap To Google
4.  Update Robots.txt Files
5.  Check Your Canonicalization
6.  Perform A Site Audit
7.  Check For Low-Quality Or Duplicate Content
8.  Eliminate Redirect Chains And Internal Redirects
9.  Fix Broken Links
10. IndexNow

3. How To Increase Traffic To Your Website
The art of building a successful website has become more nuanced in today's landscape. There are a lot of factors to consider to make sure you are doing everything you can to increase traffic to your website. Here are 20 tips to ensure you're generating the most traffic possible to your website. 
1.  Make sure your website is high performing per Google’s guidance
2.  Implement basic SEO techniques
3.  If you are an e-commerce company, diversify your marketing tactics
4.  E-commerce companies should consider affiliate marketing
5.  Make site security a top priority
6.  Consider adding short-form video content to your website
7.  Create evergreen content
8.  Build up your site’s backlinks
9.  Frequently post to social media
10. Write a guest post for another site
11. Answer questions on Quora
12. Optimize your site for mobile
13. Have a great sitemap for search engines to follow
14. Send email newsletters
15. Buy ads on platforms that make sense for your site
16. Decrease your site’s bounce rate
17. Increase internal linking
18. Optimize content for maximum shareability on social
19. Get rid of bad content on your site
20. Use a modern CMS

4. How To Track Offline Conversions From Your Google Ads
Offline conversion tracking could help improve your PPC efforts. Update your Google Ads conversion setup to incorporate offline data is possible with the right tweaks. There are three ways that you can start incorporating offline conversions in your account. 
1.     Conversion import
2.     Call tracking
3.     In-store visit tracking

5. 10 Killer Emberify’s Strategies to Make the Most of Instagram Marketing
Instagram is the top-rated social media platform, with over 1 billion monthly active global users. This provides opportunities for businesses to reach potential customers and build a loyal community with the platform. Here are 10 tips to connect with the potential audience, amplify your brand’s reach, and grow your business on the platform. 
1.  Create Business Account
2.  Fill Out Your Bio
3.  Get Familiar With Instagram
4.  Post Highly Visualizing Content
5.  Write Captivating Captions
6.  Collaborate With Potential Influencers
7.  Stick With the Posting Schedule
8.  Socialize Your Account
9.  Use Instagram Reels
10. Try Instagram Ads

6. How to Build Your Social Media Marketing Strategy
Social media is an integral part of any organization irrespective of its size. With more than 3.5 billion registered users, it offers an audience pool like no other platform. An effective social media marketing strategy can take your business to the next level. Follow the methods below to kick-start your social media marketing strategy. 
1. Set your Objectives
2. Identify your Audience and Competitors
3. Establish Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
4. Create a Content Calendar and Stick to It
5. Evaluate, Test, and Modify your Strategy 

7. 5 Ways to Keep Ecommerce Customers Happy During a Recession
For eCommerce businesses, a recession means finding ways to retain customers and protect revenue. With competition in the eCommerce industry at all-time highs, that won't be easy. Here are five specific ways they can keep their customers happy as the recession bites. 
1. Adjust Product Lineup to Account For Customers’ Budgetary Constraints and Concerns
2. Manage Cash Flow To Avoid Stock Shortages or Customer Service Cutbacks
3. Use Intent Data To Provide Personalized Discounts
4. Make Strategic Investments in the Customer Experience
5. Make Customer Feedback Central to Operations 

8. 11 Secrets About Email Marketing
The secrets of email marketing success include being personal and selecting the right product for your target audience. Without a list of targeted opt-in subscribers, you're going nowhere fast in eMail marketing. Here are 11 email marketing tips that make it so incredibly powerful: 
1.  Building Your Gateway to The Stars
2.  Choosing Your Provider
3.  Creating the Link
4.  Acknowledging Signups
5.  Subject Lines That Get Opened
6.  HTML vs Plain Text eMails
7.  Single vs Double Opt-Ins
8.  Using Your Name vs Company Branding
9.  Mobile vs Desktop Users
10. Working with CTA’s
11. Tracking Analytics

9. 10 Email Marketing Strategy Tips
Email marketing is different from social media marketing, direct-mail marketing, or any other kind of marketing that's popped up since the turn of the millennium. It provides a direct link to your email list, allowing you to send personalized, relevant and valuable content directly to your subscribers.  Here are top the 10 email marketing tips to help you build the best strategy for your brand: 
1.  Build a customer journey map
2.  Harness email segmentation to send more relevant content
3.  Use email personalization to boost engagement rates
4.  Keep on top of your email list cleaning to boost email deliverability
5.  Use email automation to improve and scale your email marketing strategy
6.  Provide value in every campaign to keep recipients engaged
7.  Write engaging subject lines
8.  Experiment small and often
9.  Track and analyze email marketing metrics
10. Make sure your email works for everybody in your email list 

10. How to Increase Your Sales by Analyzing Your Marketing Funnel
Your marketing funnel is the process that your potential customers go through as they move from awareness of your product or service to purchase. Understand how your marketing funnel works so you can make changes that will lead to more sales and improved results. There are four steps you can take to analyze your funnel and improve results: 
1. Define your marketing funnel stages
2. Set conversion goals for each stage
3. Identify bottlenecks in your funnel
4. Test and experiment to improve results

11. The Six Best B2B Marketing Strategies
The purpose of B2B marketing is to make yourself familiar to prospective buyers and convert them into paying customers. Building buyer personas help companies tailor marketing strategies for segmented consumers. Here are the best 6 B2B marketing strategies to help you hit your targets. 
1.  Understand Millennials
2.  B2B Digital Marketing
3.  B2B Email Marketing
4.  Automation and AI
5.  Enhance Content for Personalized Experiences
6.  Self-Service and Support

12. Top 10 Essential Website Optimization Strategies
In order to rank high in search engines, you need to optimize your website properly. Here are 10 factors that carry the most weight in SEO ranking, and how to optimize for each of them. 
1.  Search Intent
2.  Technical SEO
3.  User Experience
4.  Mobile-First
5.  Core Web Vitals
6.  Schema
7.  Content Marketing
8.  Link Building
9.  Test And Document Changes
10. Track And Analyze KPIs 

13. 4 Things To Look At Besides Just Your Keyword Rankings
Search engine algorithms are moving beyond just keywords to focus on user experiences. Pay attention to technical details, search intent, and audience feedback or inputs can make a big difference. Here are four things to consider when it's time to boost your brand's online authority: 
1. Delivering Unique and Insightful Content
2. Being Approachable and Responsive
3. Performing Website Audits and Updates
4. Involving the Audience

14. 8 Steps To A Future-Proof Social Media Strategy In A Web3 World
With Web3, the metaverse, digital goods, and virtual worlds on the horizon, it is impossible to skip Web 2.0 and move on. Here are 8 steps to creating an effective social media strategy to level up your Web 2.0 and prepare for Web3. 
1. Write An Executive Summary
2. Do A Social Media Audit
3. Zero In On Social Media Objectives
4. Develop Buyer Personas
5. Find Your Brand Persona
6. Establish Strategies & Tools
7. Make Your Mark: Timing & Dates
8. Measure What Matters 

15. The 5 Effective Digital Marketing Strategies to Try In 2023
More established businesses changed their attention from traditional marketing to digital marketing. A digital marketing strategy may help a company outperform its competitors. It needs a set of instructions, certain objectives, and effective strategies. Here are 5 digital marketing strategies to try in 2023 to build brand recognition: 
1. Content Marketing
2. SEO & Search Engine Marketing
3. Social Media Marketing
4. Email Marketing
5. Podcasting

16. 3 Simple Email-Marketing Strategies To Get People To Open Your Emails And Make A Purchase
Email marketing is one of the most direct ways to communicate with potential customers. In addition to connecting with customers, email marketing can convert readers into customers. Here are 3 email marketing strategies to create smart email-marketing campaigns that generate results. 
1. Provide value first, make asks later
2. Make your emails personal and personalized
3. Lean into what works for your audience 

17. 2023 Digital Marketing Trends To Take Advantage Of Now
Smart businesses are looking for the latest trends to incorporate to maximize their results and impact. Here are some of the biggest trends impacting digital marketing that can help grow your company's success.  
1. The Metaverse
2. Artificial Intelligence
3. Customer Experience
4. Short Videos
5. Simple, Clear Messages
6. Influencers
7. Employee Advocacy
8. LinkedIn As A B2B Powerhouse
9. A Focus On Foundations 

18. B2B Marketing Automation: A Quick Guide
As businesses grow, managing customer journeys, delivering personalization, and managing a slew of other tasks becomes impossible. This is where marketing automation can help. By choosing the right platform for your business and identify the processes that you can automate for better marketing performance. In this guide, you'll learn:  
1. What is B2B Marketing Automation?
2. How does B2B Marketing Automation work?
3. Core differences between B2C vs. B2B marketing automation
4. Top 5 use cases/examples B2B marketing automation 
5. Benefits of B2B marketing automation  
6. How to choose the best B2B marketing automation software for your business

19. What Marketing Skills Are In Demand for 2023
Digital marketing specialists are among the top in-demand jobs in the US. Here are the top marketing skills in high demand in 2023. The list of required skills may be diverse and include many customer-attraction tactics and platforms, so career options are wide. 
1. Search Engine Optimization
2. Content Planning
3. Marketing Automation
4. No-Code Development
5. Community Building
6. Communication and Collaboration
7. Project Management
8. Remote Working
9. Data Literacy 

20. 10 Tricks to Get the Click: How to Write Exceptional PPC Ads
PPC is a great way to drive qualified traffic to your site, but not if nobody clicks on your ads. A low click-through rate can bog down your Quality Score which will hike up your ad costs. Writing exceptional ad copy is the most important thing you can spend your time on in paid search. Here are 10 tricks to write exceptional PPC ad copy:
1.   Think feature-benefit-feeling
2.   Include a differentiator
3.   Show a little personality
4.   Get competitive
5.   Include a CTA in your headlines…
6.   Use display paths
7.   Reiterate and reinforce, but don’t be redundant
8.   Try seasonal modifiers
9.   Address objections with the magic words
10. Use relationships to evoke emotion

I hope that you found this marketing roundup insightful! Stay tuned for the next Weekly Roundup to get more updates on new tips and insights in the digital marketing world.


PS: With AWeber Pro, you'll have automation, customer segments, and A/B testing to help you grow your business in the new year. Check it out now.

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