Marketing Weekly Roundup for 5 August 2022

Greetings and welcome back to a new Marketing Weekly Roundup! As always, here is an overview of what went on this week in the digital marketing world, so make sure to check out these digital marketing insights, SEO tips, email marketing tactics, and social media strategies, etc.

Here's the roundup of the top things to know in the digital marketing world this week, hand-picked just for you: 

1. 7 Instagram Business Ideas Without Investment
Instagram is one of the most used social media platforms and you can use it to your advantage. Let's find out how to begin a business on Instagram without spending any money. 

1. Start a Thrift Store
2. Earn Money As An Influencer
3. Become an Instagram Manager 
4. Affiliate Marketing
5. Write Product Reviews
6. Sell Your Photographs
7. Become a Graphic Designer

2. Everything You Need to Know About Podcast Marketing
Effective podcast marketing is key to your show's overall success. And because it's so important, you need to get it right! Here is everything you need to know about podcast marketing. 

3. 9 Things To Optimize On An Ecommerce Site To Drive Sales
Need to boost sales on your online shop? Here are nine things to start with that are sure to drive incremental sales.

1. Smart Use Of The Intrusive (And Often Annoying) “Pop Up”
2. Site Search Vigilance
3. Cross-Sell Relevancy
4.  Site Speed
5. Product Listing Page
6. Product Detail Page
7. The Shopping Cart
8. Checkout Process
9. Mobile Web Experience Must-Haves

4. Ecommerce Copywriting 101: How to Write Words That SELL
Copywriting can inspire readers to purchase products, sign up for services, or watch videos. This video shares the copywriting process you'll need when writing any text for your eCommerce store. The goal: To write words that pay you back with high-quality copy. 

5. 8 Effective Ways to Ensure Ecommerce Business Success
The retail e-commerce revenue in the US is expected to cross 1.3 trillion dollars by the end of 2025. While brick-and-mortar stores are losing their dominance, the digital marketplace is blazing. Here are 8 key factors you need to focus on to ensure your ecommerce business success. 

1. Target a Niche Audience
2. Go Mobile-First 
3. Choose the Right Distribution Channels 
4. Create Unique Content
5. Continually Update Your Email Marketing List
6. Deliver a Great Shopping Experience
7. Invest in Social Media Marketing
8. Leverage Ecommerce Tools

6. Up Your TikTok Game
In this roundtable discussion with TikTok experts, discover winning strategies, tips, and tricks to help you market your business on the innovative platform. 

7. 15 Ways E-Commerce Businesses Can Thrive In The ‘Off-Season’
The holiday sales rush is an important source of revenue for e-commerce businesses, but it's not enough to support them for the entire year. Online business owners need strategies to keep sales coming in between major shopping holidays. 15 members of Fast Company Executive Board share advice they use to attract customers and bring in revenue during the “off-season” for eCommerce business. 

1.  Perfect your customer service.
2.  Automate customer engagement.
3.  Utilize ambassador programs.
4.  Explore social commerce.
5.  Pinpoint the best times for outreach.
6.  Create your own special events.
7.  Personalize product placements based on customer behavior.
8.  Customize marketing based on past purchases.
9.  Showcase only what’s currently in stock.
10. Create giveaways and plug them on social media.
11. Have a quality product people want to keep buying.
12. Keep your fans engaged.
13. Regularly refresh your content and offerings.
14. Leverage tech to predict customers’ needs.
15. Tap into international markets.

8. What is Influencer Marketing? How to Develop a Strategy
Influencer marketing has emerged to be a $5-10 billion dollar industry. 9 out of 10 brands are using some form of influencer marketing to reach their goals faster, according to sources. If you're a small business owner, solopreneur, or early-stage startup with the goal to create quick brand exposure, build brand authority, drive traffic and boost your conversions, try using influencers. Let's take a look at how you can leverage it for your business.


9. The 4 Things You Need to Do to Get (and Keep) Ecommerce Customers
The U.S. consumer will spend $73.2 billion on online shopping in 2020, so now is the time to invest in your eCommerce strategy. Attracting new customers and keeping them is just as important. Let’s take a look at a few of the key ways that your ecommerce business can bring in new customers — and ensure they keep coming back. 

1. Maximize your distribution channels
2. Optimize for mobile users
3. Treat customers like people — not metrics
4. Customers want to learn something — so teach them

10. How To Set Up A High-Converting Affiliate Marketing Sales Funnel
Affiliate marketing can be an excellent way to make money online. Rather than creating your products from scratch, you can quickly sell other people's services. Here are some of the ways to set up a high-converting affiliate marketing sales funnel

11. 5 Tactics To Build Brand Awareness For Your Company
It doesn't matter how high the quality of your products or services, if your brand is not known by your audience, customers will more likely engage with brands they are more familiar with. The more familiar your audience is with your brand, the greater their trust. Here are 5 brand awareness tactics for your company in the digital world. 

1. Be a Guest Blogger for Other Sites
2. Develop Strong Public Relations
3. Create a Strong SEO Strategy
4. Place Keywords Strategically
5. Tailor Personal Social Media Branding

12. Beginner’s Guide to Email Marketing
Email marketing is still ranked as the most effective marketing channel, beating out social media, SEO, and affiliate marketing. Here are some tips and strategies for building an email list, creating an email that users want to read, designing automated campaigns, and tracking your efforts. 

13. How to Improve SEO Rankings in 11 Steps
There are over 3.5 billion Google searches per day. If you want to stand out, you’ll need to play by Google’s rules. Learn all about how you can improve your SEO, from optimizing existing pages to strategizing for local SEO and everything in between.

    1.  Track metrics with Google Analytics
    2.  Optimize existing content for SEO best practices
    3.  Create new content based on keyword research
    4.  Diversify your backlink portfolio
    5.  Structure content to aim for featured snippets
    6.  Optimize images
    7.  Make sure your site is mobile-friendly
    8.  Optimize for on-page SEO factors
    9.  Decrease load times
    10. Improve local SEO
    11. Use your results to perfect your strategy

14. The Social Media Content Calendar Template Every Marketer Needs [Free Template]
A social media content calendar organizes your publishing schedule by date. It's hard to get any meaningful amount of work done when you have the next social media update looming over your head every 30, 60, or 90 minutes. Here is a free template with the latest social platform features to help you share your content strategy at a tactical level.

15. 5 Content Marketing Tips for Maximizing Your Site’s Sales Potential
The goal for many individuals and businesses is to earn passive income from their websites. It's possible that you're making certain content marketing mistakes that are keeping your site from meeting its sales potential. Let's change that by exploring effective content marketing strategies that will help your site make more sales. 

1. Focus on building trust
2. Make the checkout process easier
3. Focus on providing solutions
4. Educate your audience
5. Offer a free trial

16. Reveal, Analyze & Dominate: A Masterclass on Competitive Analysis
Find out the key steps of competitive analysis, including growth opportunities, how to analyze your rivals, and why this approach can win you more business.  

17. Boosting Ecommerce Conversion: 5 Behavioral Science Tips
Brands often spend substantial resources on ads to drive website traffic, but rarely optimize ecommerce conversion rates enough to turn increased traffic into sales. Researchers of behavioral science have taken great strides in the last decade to further our understanding of buyer behavior. By designing solutions that align with our psychology, we can make it easier for people to do things they already want to do. Here are 5 principles to ecommerce websites are poised to increase ecommerce conversion. 

1.  Structuring Your Navigation Bar
2.  Prevent Information Overload
3.  Use Social Proof
4.  Avoid Friction, Especially on Mobile
5.  Provide What They Expect

18. A Quick Guide to Content Syndication
If you want to succeed in content syndication, make sure your content is well researched and perfectly written. Think of syndication as a tool for content marketing. The following infographic by Izooto will further help you kickstart your content syndication journey. 

19. 5 Video Marketing Tips to Create Perfect Social Media Content
Video content is one of the most important factors in determining how successful any brand is online. Here are five tips on how to create perfect video content for your company or brand. 

1. Get to Know Your Audience 
2. Be Creative
3. Use the Right Tools
4. Make Sure You Caption Your Video 
5. Consider Adding Music

20. The 10 Do’s and Don'ts of Text Marketing for Your Business
SMS marketing, or text message marketing, is a valuable yet often underutilized tool to convert new leads and maintain a high level of engagement with existing customers. Knowing some of the important text marketing do's and don'ts can help your company take advantage of this powerful marketing tool. 

That’s it for this weekly roundup. I hope you like my marketing roundup. If you’d like to suggest your favorite digital marketing content to be considered for an upcoming Weekly Roundup, please let me know.


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