Category: eCommerce
25 ECommerce Experts Share Their Best Tips for Driving Repeat Sales Online
Here are some great tips from some of the sharpest minds in the marketing and ecommerce industries to help you drive more repeat business in your online store.
These tips include :
1. Develop a Loyalty Program
2. Focus on Building Consumer Trust
3. Don’t Invest in Paid Ads Too Early
4. Answer All Questions on Every Platform
5. Over-Deliver in All You Do
6. Get New Customers from Loyal Fans
7. Share 10x Content and much more, click here to read it
4 Easy Ways to Generate eCommerce Sales From Instagram
Instagram recently announced that they had grown to 500 million monthly active users. Out of these, 300 million users log onto the platform every day.
That puts the social platform at the forefront of social media marketing…
If you’re an eCommerce store looking to generate sales from Instagram, then here are 4 ways to do so.