Weekly Roundup For 11 March 2018

1. Social Media Analytics Tools: How to Choose the Best One For Your Brand

There are tons of social media analytics tools on the market. What separates CoSchedule from the pack? See what makes our platform the best option for you.


2. Social Media Campaign Planning: How to Crush It (Free Templates)

Learn how to develop a strong social media campaign planning process that generates positive results every time. Plus, download three free templates here.


3. The Ultimate Guide to SEO Link Building

Besides your content, links are THE most important SEO ranking factor. Here are the techniques and tools you need for fast and effective link building.


4. Don’t Let Keyword Stuffing Kill Your SEO. Here’s How to Avoid It.

You may think stuffing more keywords into your content puts you on the fast track for ranking in search. But the reality is, black hat tactics like keyword stuffing can actually hurt your site and your traffic. Read on to learn what keyword density is best for your content, and how it can help you avoid costly search penalties.


5. 5 Ways to Find the Right Instagram Influencers for Your Niche

Finding the most influencing Instagram users for your niche can be a challenging task, especially if you are new at this. The first thing that you have to take into account is the criteria which can be used to determine whether you have picked out the right influencers or not. Second, you have to analyze the kind of influencers your business needs.


6. How to Promote Small Business on Social Media

Is Social Media Worth Your Time? If you are on this page, you’ve already realized the power of social media. Today small businesses spend more time on social media marketing than they do on website optimization. Now, you, a small business owner or a marketer, might not need an actual website, as you can promote …


7. 7 Effective Ways to Use Facebook Ads

Are you still shying away from Facebook ads? Are you setting up ads or boosting posts with no results? This article can help in more than one way!

Obviously, the Alla spend a lot of time on Facebook and a lot of time experimenting with Facebook ads. She look forward to hearing how you’re using Facebook ads to increase your engagement and awareness.


8. 8 Social Media Marketing Hacks to Ensure Success in 2018

To succeed on social media, you must post relevant, unique content and then do everything in your power to boost engagement. Over the years, the tactics that can give you results have changed. Now in 2018, here are eight social media marketing hacks that all but guarantee results:


9. 9 Email Marketing Habits It Pays to Break

Are you stuck in an email marketing rut? Learn which email best practices you should break in favor of experimentation and building a fresh new strategy for 2018.


10. 10 Reasons Influencer Marketing Campaigns Fail

Is your micro-influencer program not living up to its potential? Any of the following ten reasons could be the culprit. Fortunately, there are easy ways to change all of them and put your micro-influencer campaign back on track.


11. Top Ecommerce Influencers

The top ecommerce influencers fall into two distinct categories: meet the influencers who promote ecommerce companies and who launched their own.


12. How to Improve SEO With Visual Content Overnight

In this article, Ana outlines the different methods you can use to increase your search results with the use of visual content. She also shows you how to re-optimize your pre-existing content to help with your SEO. Check out the post!


13. How We Increased Engagement for Our Online Course by 150% with Marketing Automation

Find out how one small change lead to a huge spike in open and click-through rates. Plus, see how to do it yourself.


14. The 5-point guide to SMS marketing

SMS marketing is increasingly becoming an essential core multi-channel marketing channel to target customers. It is also considered as a channel of communication with higher return on investment. The myth that target a specific set of customers, on the go, is not a possibility is busted by the fact that an SMS can not only reach to the target group with very high precision but can also initiate two-way communication with the customer and the company.


15. Boost Your Ecommerce Success: Offer Customized Products

Access to data has created even more opportunities, allowing businesses to provide potential buyers and clients with customized recommendations that match their buying habits. Online video chats are another feature, offering customers advice on sizing and other product questions for an extra level of the personalization online buyers want.

All these factors support branding and customer retention, of course. But the problem is that so many other ecommerce sites are using these tools that they’ve become too commonplace to really make an impact.


16. The Most Overlooked Email Marketing Strategies of 2018

Email marketing is 40 times more effective in landing sales than social media channels, but marketers often forget these key strategies.


17. The 10 Essential SEO Ranking Factors to Dominate Search [+ Cheatsheet]

Do you know how to reach #1 in Google search results? You’ve got to learn these SEO ranking factors if you want to be at the top and get BIG traffic.


18. 18 Ecommerce Marketing Ideas Proven To Boost Sales

Check out these ecommerce marketing ideas proven to boost ecommerce sales and set you apart from your competitors.


19. How To Build A Massive, Engaged Twitter Following

I’ve been growth hacking Twitter and have added thousands of new, targeted followers each month, and have seen marked improvements in engagement, traffic and subscribers. Now you can too.


20. 10 Steps To Start A Business While Working Full Time [Infographic]

Starting your own business is one of the most rewarding things you can do.

But it’s not easy…

Especially when you’re working a full-time job.

Rhis awesome infographic is created to help you escape the 9 to 5.


Weekly Round Up For 10 December 2017

internet marketing tips roundup

1. 5 Secret Content Marketing Weapons (Ssssshh, Don’t Tell Anyone)

There are three phases to every content marketing campaign. I’m excluding the strategy that comes before, and the reporting that comes after as those phases have a whole nother arsenal of tools. But for me the execution part looks as basic as this:

Create epic content
Distribute to many
Leverage every impression

I’ll follow this order when unveiling my secret weapons. Let’s start with the content, as you have to get this one spot on if you want the second or third phase to work for you.


2. Why Your Business Needs a Content Marketing Strategy in 2018

In 2017, those seeking the sage advice of others would have a difficult time avoiding a healthy endorsement for content marketing. In fact, 86% of B2Cs and 88% of B2Bs employ some content marketing strategy, according to the Content Marketing Institute.

Not only are businesses utilizing content as part of their overarching strategy, but they’re seeing results. In fact, when asked to rate the success of their content marketing efforts (from extremely effective to not effective), 97% of both B2Cs and B2Bs reported some level of success. Do you have a solid content marketing strategy in place? Looking to really increase brand awareness in the new year? Here are three reasons why you should include content in your 2018 efforts.


3. 6 Holiday Email Marketing Tips

Social media is crucial to marketing during the holiday season, but you shouldn’t neglect your email marketing. A strong email marketing campaign is a great way to engage with your previous customers and encourage them to keep coming back. During the holidays, specialized email marketing can help boost your sales while getting customers excited about the holiday season. Here are some tips to improve the success of your email marketing this holiday season!

inbound marketing mistakes made by startups

4. 5 Ways Startups Are Screwing Up Inbound Marketing

As a startup, bootstrapping your marketing efforts is everything. And while we hear all the time about growth hacking or utilizing new technology to help make marketing easier, that doesn’t account for much if you don’t have a solid inbound strategy already in place.

However, not to worry, here’s how to avoid making mistakes with your inbound marketing tactics.

5. 11 Social Media Trends to Watch Out For in 2018

Staying on top of social media trends is important for increasing user engagement, getting your content out there and it’s important for your business. Here’s what you need to keep your eye out for and learn next year.


6. The Secret to Successful Content-Marketing In 2018 Is Having a Strategy, So Get One.

For increased web traffic, a growth in leads, more loyal customers and that spike in revenue in 2018, a closer look at your content strategy is necessary. Set some time aside to analyze what has worked, and identify opportunities hidden within trends.

Here are four tips to help you prepare for 2018.


7. 21 Lessons B2B Entrepreneurs Need to Learn to Find Business Success

To keep up and stay ahead of the game, entrepreneurs need to constantly be learning. There’s going to be thousands of lessons along the way, but here are 21 I feel are key to ensuring business success:

Here's How To Create Promo Emails That Convert

8. Here’s How To Create Promo Emails That Convert

Email marketing is far more lucrative than social media.

Email campaigns are one of the most effective methods of marketing your business online. S6 Artist and educator, Cat Coquillette, put together a checklist of key tips to help you create a solid email campaign that will appeal to your audience, boost your artwork sales online, and grow your brand recognition. If you’d like to see the full email she’s referencing, you can view it here, or at the bottom of the blog post.


9. 2018 Email Marketing Trend Report

Wondering what 2018 has in store for your email marketing program? Here are five trends that we have our eye on:


10. 3 Content Marketing Predictions for 2018

Today, we’re gazing into our crystal ball and bringing you our top 3 content marketing predictions for 2018.


11. 5 Outdated Content Marketing Tactics (And What to Do Instead)

That kind of obsolescence isn’t limited to the tech industry, of course. The cycle from next-big-thing to the dustbin is even faster in online content. Yet many content marketers are using tactics that, while they once worked, are now as outdated as that original iPhone. What’s worse, some of us are still in the flip-phone stage.

If you’re using any of the following content marketing tactics, it’s time for an upgrade. Here’s what doesn’t work, why it doesn’t, and what you should try instead.

Best Social Media Channels for Business Marketing

12. The 7 Best Social Media Channels for Business Marketing

Social media is ideal for increasing lead generation, and enhancing brand awareness. You may wish to consider what your competitors are using, what type of content you wish to create, and how many social media channels you can effectively manage. Here are the top 7 best social media channels for business marketing:


13. 5 Steps to Engage Your Audience on Social Media

Over the years, many social media tools have been developed to help businesses break through the noise on social media and reach their customers. These tools can help improve the engagement with your audience through social channels.

Here are five steps to planning a great social media campaign – and specific programs that can help you execute it.


14. From $0 To $1 Million: How To Scale Your E-Commerce Site

So whether you have yet to make your first sale or are starting to see some traction, how do you position your fledgling retail company to capture its share of this larger whole? Keep the following suggestions in mind.

 Growth Hacking Strategies to Triple Your Sales

15. 10 Growth Hacking Strategies to Triple Your Sales

Lermsider, who today works alongside some of the top ecommerce companies, real estate brokers and surgeons in the world, lays the groundwork for the proper fundamentals that need to be in place to growth hack your way to success. It boils down to 10 very particular strategies. They might seem rudimentary or fundamental from the outside looking in. But, without tackling these first, you can kiss your chances of building a wildly successful business goodbye.


16. What’s The Best Long-Term Online Marketing Strategy?

The way I see it, marketing and advertising strategies can be split into two main categories: long-term and short-term.

So what’s the best long-term online marketing strategy?


17. A Content Strategy Framework to Dominate Search Engines in 2018 (and Beyond)

What kind of information do you provide to your contacts? In what ways do you provide them such information? Through content, of course.

So what is the best strategy to get content to your contacts? Develop a content strategy framework that works with search engines and you’ll win the content strategy game in 2018.


18. 15 E-commerce Case Studies To Guide All Parts of Your Growth

Whether you’re in start-up mode or you’re ready to scale, there’s no need to reinvent the wheel. All e-commerce companies have to figure out how to retain customers, drive traffic, and make more sales in a competitive environment. Why not learn from companies that have mastered their corner of the online marketplace?

From driving traffic with killer content to identifying the right platform for growth, these 15 e-commerce case studies will help you transform how you do business.


19. 7 Creative Ways to Use Instagram Carousel Posts for Your Business
Instagram carousel posts are trending — and not just for personal Instagram users!

Since carousel posts were released earlier this year, businesses of all sizes have picked up on the Instagram carousel trend and discovered new and creative ways to incorporate them into their Instagram marketing strategy.

Wondering how you can use Instagram carousel posts for your business?

From promoting new product lines to sharing event photos and videos, here are 7 creative ways you can use carousel posts on Instagram:


20. 7 Effective Link Building Techniques for e-Commerce Brands

The key to successful link building is to develop the right content strategies and outreach techniques, as this will enable you to build quality links more easily and boost the visibility of your landing pages and site as a whole.

Let’s look at some of the best examples of effective, e-commerce link building tactics and how you can apply them to help your online business to succeed.

Facebook Campaign Guide

21. Facebook Guide: The Key To Getting More From Campaigns

Facebook is constantly changing its platform, and strategies for driving performance from the platform may be different from those you employ on other platforms like AdWords or Twitter.

If you thought you knew everything about Facebook, think again. Here’s the ultimate guide covering the ins-and-outs of what you need to know to not only get started, but continually be successful with Facebook advertising.


Weekly Round Up For 3 December 2017

Weekly Round Up For 26 November 2017

Weekly Round Up For 19 November 2017

Internet Marketing Weekly Round Up

1. 4 More Ways To Make Your Email Marketing More Effective

Here are four more ways can make your email marketing a more effective


2. 12 Ways LinkedIn Can Grow Your Brand’s Content Marketing Strategy

Twelve members of the Forbes Agency Council share how LinkedIn can help your brand’s content marketing strategy. Here is what they had to say:


3. 6 Strategic SEO Tips From the Experts to Get Massive Traffic in 2018

Here are 6 experts share their favorite SEO tips and tactics for building big traffic in 2018. As you’ll see, if there’s one theme that unifies them all, it’s creating better content, but some of our experts take their own unique approaches.
4. 50 Ways To Produce Engaging Content!
Explore the top 50 ways to create, launch, measure and test engaging content. ion’s interactive content platform empowers modern marketers to engage, convert and profile their audience using code-free, data-driven interactivity. Get the interactive infographic.
 The Ultimate YouTube Marketing Guide
5. YouTube for Business: The Ultimate YouTube Marketing Guide

Here, you’ll find articles and resources to help beginner, intermediate, and advanced marketers use YouTube channels, video, ads, analysis, and more for business.


6. 5 Tips To Successfully Promote Your Content On Social Media

Below are various tips and tricks that you, as a business owner, can utilize in order to extend your reach on social networks and make your marketing campaigns on social media platforms more effective than ever before.


7. 86 Awesome Free Marketing Templates To Make Your Life Easier

Grab your free templates now, then read on to get educated on tons of different marketing strategies and tactics!


8. 4 Social Media Marketing Trends You Should Know for 2018

Social media is a dynamic field that is always changing, but there are several trends that can help us prepare for 2018. Here are 4 social media marketing trends I think we should all focus on, as we drag ourselves into the new year.


Let’s face it, today there are more mobile phones than people in Australia so it’s no surprise that mobile communication is an effective way to keep in touch. The most efficient delivery of mobile communication is through text messages, with 98% read within two minutes. Here, we have five smart ways you can use SMS for personal use or business.

The best way to measure the success of an email strategy is to check your email marketing metrics. Learn the 7 most important metrics & how to measure them.


11. 13 Ways Your E-Commerce Site Can Have A Very Happy Holiday

To help you get the most out of the season for your e-commerce site, members of the Forbes Agency Council suggest you try the following:


 How to Kill Duplicate Content for SEO

Duplicate content is endemic to ecommerce sites. Seemingly every platform, no matter how SEO-friendly, produces some form of duplicate content, holding a site back from peak performance.

First, let’s look at why duplicate content matters. It may not be the reason you’re thinking.

Mobile E-commerce is at its peak leading to increased demands of e-commerce mobile apps. Everyone finds their comfort in buying products online and making easy online payments. Ecommerce apps and smartphones have influenced the buying habits of all people. Below are some must have eCommerce Mobile App Features

How To Generate Free Traffic From Reddit14. Reddit Hates Blatant Marketing: Here’s How You Can Still Get Thousands Of Visitors From Reddit

Most marketers are afraid of Reddit. Despite its huge traffic potential, marketers stay away. They rationalize with excuses: “They’re going to roast me and I’ll get banned” “The traffic quality must suck” “Redditors aren’t the type of people who would buy” “It’s too much time, the ROI is bad.” I don’t blame them. I’m one of those marketers. Si Quan Ong (SQ Ong) reached out to me and showed me how he was able to drive thousands of visitors on Reddit, post after post. So we had him share his strategy and his case studies on Grow and Convert so people can replicate his success.


15. 18+ Experts Share their Best Tips on competing against E-Commerce Giants using SEO

Learn how the top SEO experts in the industry use their unique skills and well developed strategy to compete against Ecommerce sites like Amazon, etsy, ebay and many more using their E-commerce SEO strategy..


Email marketing is a solid marketing channel. Companies have to continuously evolve their email tactics to cater to a changing environment and improve their results. Join me in a jump forward into the future of email marketing in the 7th annual review of email marketing trends and predictions.

So let’s jump in and see what email industry today has to say about the future of email marketing tomorrow…


In this Mashable article, several growth and marketing experts answer the question “Is growth hacking hype or is it helpful?”


19. A Quick Guide To Influencer Marketing
Today, nearly anyone with access to the Internet is claiming to be an influencer. Just add water (in the form of followers) and wait for lucrative corporate sponsorships to roll in: cha-ching!Here’s a shortlist of what brands should look for before sealing deals with influencers.

10 Underutilized  Online Marketing Strategies20. Step Up Your Online Marketing with These 10 Underutilized Strategies

There are plenty of online marketing strategies out there that most businesses already use or are at least aware of. But there are also some lesser known strategies or lessons that you might not have considered. See some of the top tips about not-so-obvious online marketing strategies from members of the online small business community below.
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