15 Industry Experts Share their #1 Email List Building Tactic

list building tips

Whenever we ask our readers and customers what aspect of their email marketing strategy they want to improve, the answer is often one thing: list building.

And this makes sense: the more people you can reach with your emails, the more opportunities you have to grow your audience and turn them into customers.

To get the most valuable and proven list building tips, Aweber asked 15 industry experts about their number one tactic for getting new subscribers – and they didn’t disappoint. Check out this post to see what they had to say, and how you can incorporate their tactics into your own email strategy today. Read more.

How Stuart made $5041.55 but was disappointed

affiliate commission
Interested in how Stuart Walker made $5041.55 in affiliate commissions in less than 7 days but how it should have been more?
Good, but first let him tell you a little story…
Last year long time NicheHacks tribe member, and niche marketing expert, Dom Wells approached him to do a joint promo.
For anyone who doesn’t know, Dom creates done for you niche affiliate sites to sell.
Probably the best done for you affiliate sites on the internet, as far as I’ve seen.
And up until last year he’d only ever sold them to his own audience.
But he wanted to expand to getting affiliates, like Stuart, promoting them too.
So they ran a joint promotion expecting high sales.
Because ‘done for you’ affiliate sites seem like something the NicheHacks audience would snap up.
But the promotion flopped!
Here’s the scary thing:
They barely made…

Ask Yourself These 6 Questions Before Starting A Social Media Marketing Campaign

social media planYou may have thought creating your business plan was hard, but your social media marketing campaign needs to be treated with just as much detailed planning and investment as your business plan if you want a return on investment that beats expectations.

Social media has exploded over the last decade and nearly three quarters of the world’s population is online.

Especially the millennial generation that is steadily becoming the largest consumer base there has ever been.

Having the internet at our fingertips has made online shopping more popular than ever with 89% of consumers preferring to shop online.

America has one of the largest social network bases in the world with 67% of citizens having at least one social media account that they regularly log into. It’s no surprise that many online businesses, 87% in fact, are choosing to start social media marketing campaigns to attract more visitors to their site.

Even those sticking to only organic marketing, nearly half of them plan to dabble in paid social media marketing within the next four years.

Seasoned marketing specialists know how important having a detailed plan is to achieving a great return on investment with paid marketing.

==> Read the FULL article here

7 steps to grow from 8k to 48k organic traffic in 20 months

how to increase traffic

As a content marketer, one of the biggest issues the author faced was that they were creating 10x content and promoting it aggressively, but that growth was a one-time jump and they were back to the same old blog traffic every single month. They needed a scalable strategy for growing their blog traffic, so they started focusing heavily on organic traffic. Here is an actionable 7 step process that helped grow their organic traffic by 400% (highly converting traffic). This process was built on the back of the author’s experience promoting 500+ articles and working on his company’s search marketing strategy for ~2 years.

In this post show you his 7 step process for growing our traffic and converting viewers into customers.

The Most Viral Content of 2016: 30 Examples of Insanely Shareable Content

viral content examplesAre you struggling to come up with ideas for your next video or content piece?

We’ve all been there…you’ll sit there staring at a blank computer screen trying to come up with an amazing idea for your next content piece, only to get frustrated and move onto another task.

One of the best things you can do is set aside 30 minutes of your day, and look over some examples of other content pieces that have gained traction and popularity, and then try to and apply some of the ideas to your business or niche.

Check out these Thirty Examples of Insanely Shareable Content and see if you can write down 10 content ideas to create in 2017…which is fast approaching!

Top 10 YouTube Ads In 2016

youtube ads tipsChecking out the top ad videos is a good way to get a feel for what video ads people are watching, and you can incorporate some of the ideas/styles into your next video – whether it is a sales video, an ad, or a content video!

Can you guess which one topped the list? Find out here

50 most successful influencers in Social Media Marketing you should follow

influencer marketing

If you want to upgrade your skills in Social Media Marketing, you should definitely follow those experts: they write about trends in marketing, give tips to entrepreneurs, they are authors of blogs, famous speakers, book writer, they are featured on TV and radio… And there are reasons for their popularity – they got tremendous experience to share with you!

To help you improve your skills in marketing, Innmind prepared list of TOP-50 influencers you should follow – learn from the “Gods” of Social Media Marketing and implement!

Follow them and learn from the best

15 Creative Ideas to Grow Your Email List

list buildingThe first thing you’ll need when you start email marketing is a contact list of subscribers. To help you get going, we’ve created 15 Tips to Grow Your Email List, which includes:

  • Entice your audience with a unique offer
  • Add a sign-up form on your website
  • Ask for email addresses at local events

Click here to read all these 15 tips to grow your email list


5 Reasons to Start a Blog This Year

how to start blogging

In 2016, the blog made a triumphant comeback after fading away.

It is believed that two new blogs are created every second.

While that might seem crazy, it makes sense when you think about how Internet focused our culture has become.

Today, having your own web presence outside of LinkedIn and Facebook is important when it comes to building your professional image.

It’s understandable if you are still hesitant about venturing into the blogosphere.

It’s a huge community, so getting started might seem just as daunting as it is to build your audience.

However, once you get started you will find having a blog will help you both personally and professionally.

==> Read the FULL article here

How To Improve Your Pinterest Engagement With These 15 Tactics

pinterest tactics

Pinterest isn’t just an awesome place to find new recipes or inspiration for a clever DIY project. It’s also a great place for sharing content and marketing your brand. To connect with your audience on Pinterest, you need to know the right tactics to drive the most engagement possible. Start learning with this post.

Double Your Blog Traffic In 2 Weeks
Free Case Study Reveals: How to Get 260.7% More Organic Traffic In 14 Days Using Old Content!
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